IP video's surveillance

This kind of solution is designed under the base of IP technology and infrastructure so we can share data and/or existing communications. We agree with this innovation and at all projects we follow this technology.

In order to make this possible we need only three elements: video management software (VMS), recording server and the IP cameras.

Video Management Software (VMS)

We work with Milestone as VMS, integrated open platform for installation of cameras, scalable system in function of licenses number of devices to manage. It also offers users a complete visual installation that fit the profile and search tools that allows video images to identify and if necessary even export them. The form of display images is possible from a client or with the use of mobile devices.

Recording server

The server equipment will be sized in function of number of cameras, access and the recording days it wants. Usually together with the server we suggest the existence of a network-attached storage (NAS) platform to provide more capacity, security and reliability of the data.

IP cameras

Working with IP cameras that feed with standard 802.3af (PoE) allows us to take advantage of a common data infrastructure and only install a data cable from the switch to each IP devices or cameras.

We work with different brands, but we noted for their quality and price two main manufacturers: AcTi i Hikvision. But if the customer want we can install other brands, provided they are IP devices with a compatible module with VMS (like the ONVIF standard) and preferably powered by PoE.

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